Case Study

The Mobile App Advantage: Propelling Saleem Fabrics to New Heights

Streamlined Their Selling Process With A Feature-Rich Mobile App

The Company Experienced A Remarkable Growth Of 25% In Its Sales

Saleem Fabrics


Did you know?

Mobile apps have become a game-changer for businesses across industries. In fact, according to recent statistics, mobile apps have generated billions of dollars in revenue and have transformed the way customers engage with brands. In this case study, we delve into the journey of Saleem Fabrics, a leading online fashion retailer, and how their mobile app powered by MageNative drove a staggering 25% growth in sales.

About Saleem Fabrics

Saleem Fabrics, a leading online retailer in the fashion industry, recognized the need to strengthen their digital presence and capitalize on the growing mobile market. With the goal of increasing sales and providing customers with a seamless shopping experience, Saleem Fabrics embarked on a journey to develop a mobile app. This case study explores how MageNative's mobile app solution helped Saleem Fabrics achieve remarkable growth and improved customer engagement.

Saleem Fabrics
Saleem Fabrics

The Idea and Mission

The idea behind the Saleem Fabrics mobile app was to consolidate their wide range of fashion brands and products into a single, user-friendly platform. By offering a mobile app, Saleem Fabrics aimed to provide customers with easy access to the latest fashion trends, promotions, and collections. Their mission was to enhance customer awareness and acknowledgment of the diverse range of brands available on their webstore ( while delivering a seamless shopping experience.

Desired Features and Challenges

Saleem Fabrics desired a mobile app with faster checkouts and push notifications to keep their customers informed about new arrivals, exclusive offers, and order updates. However, they faced challenges in delivering real-time updates and push notifications due to latency issues. This resulted in missed sales opportunities and a less engaging user experience.

Saleem Fabrics

The Search For The Right Solution

Saleem Fabrics extensively researched various mobile app providers and discovered MageNative, a trusted name in mobile app development. After evaluating their options, Saleem Fabrics chose MageNative for its reputation for user-friendly customization and robust features. The ability to manage real-time stock and effortlessly update app content through a drag-and-drop interface were key factors that sealed the deal.

Implementation And Results

Upon implementing MageNative's mobile app solution, Saleem Fabrics experienced a significant transformation in its business. The seamless integration of their webstore with the mobile app allowed them to provide customers with instant access to the latest fashion brands, promotions, and collections. The faster checkouts feature streamlined the purchase process, improving customer satisfaction and boosting sales.

Real-time stock management became effortless with the integration of Saleem Fabrics' webstore and Shopify. This ensured that customers always had accurate information about product availability, preventing disappointment and enhancing their shopping experience. Furthermore, push notifications enabled Saleem Fabrics to reach out to customers promptly, keeping them informed about new arrivals, limited-time offers, and order updates.

Growth And Customer Testimonials

The impact of MageNative's mobile app solution on Saleem Fabrics' business was remarkable. Within a short period, they experienced a substantial 25% increase in sales, showcasing the effectiveness of the mobile app in driving revenue growth. Customers also praised the app's convenience and user-friendly features.

"MageNative is a good customized solution for iOS and Android apps with a drag-and-drop method." said Mr. Saif Ur Rehman, Owner, Saleem Fabrics Further he stated That the real-time stock management and drag-and-drop features offered by MageNative have been extremely useful for their business."

Diving Into The Exhilarating Features Of The MageNative App

MageNative offers numerous features that help in eCommerce's growth and general success; Here are some key features that assisted Saleem Fabrics in simplifying their buyers' experience.

Faster Checkouts

MageNative's mobile app solution offers a streamlined and intuitive checkout process, reducing cart abandonment and improving conversion rates. Customers can enjoy a quick and hassle-free shopping experience, leading to increased sales.

Push Notifications

Keeping the customers engaged and informed with MageNative's push notification feature. Instantly notify them about new arrivals, exclusive offers, flash sales, and order updates, boosting customer engagement and driving repeat purchases.

Drag-and-Drop Interface

MageNative simplifies app management with its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. Enabled them to update the app's content, banners, promotions, and product listings effortlessly, saving time and resources.

Customization Options

Empowered them to tailor the mobile app to reflect their brand's identity with MageNative's customization options. Also it helped them to choose from various themes, layouts, and color schemes to create a visually appealing and cohesive brand experience.

In A Nutshell

MageNative's mobile app solution proved to be a game-changer for Saleem Fabrics. By integrating their webstore with a feature-rich mobile app, Saleem Fabrics succeeded in their mission to enhance customer awareness and acknowledgment of their vast brand offerings. The app's
  • Faster checkouts,
  • Real-time stock updates,
  • Push notifications played a pivotal role in its growth and success.
By leveraging MageNative's mobile app solution, Saleem Fabrics successfully addressed their challenges, experienced significant sales growth, and delighted their customers with a seamless and engaging shopping experience. Saleem Fabrics and many other satisfied businesses picked MageNative as their trusted partner for developing a high-performing mobile app. To learn more about MageNative's mobile app solution and how it can benefit your business, visit our website at MageNative.

Get started for free with its 30 days free app trial.

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