A mobile app is developed to ease users’ lives and get maximum usage from them. But in case the app lacks the delight factor, it may struggle to create interest among its users. At present, gamification, personalized deals, etc., are some of the masterstrokes app-makers take, which result in more organic traffic, thereby, higher retention.

Are you also bothered by a lack of consistent mobile app usage? Well, you are not the only one. Low retention is a common issue in almost all the apps at present. It s there is room for improvement in your app retention strategies, and some simple tweaks can reverse the effects by retaining your customers longer and getting repeat purchases from them. And you can fix this issue completely with smart app retention strategies!

Experts believe that 20% retention accounts for 80% yearly profit of any company! And if you are struggling with your retention strategies on your mobile app, there is nothing to worry! We are here to guide you in the right direction – check it out!

Customer Retention – What Is It?

Customer Retention Rate - A Sign of Business growth
How to calculate Customer retention?
Formula: {(CE-CN)/CS}*100
CE= Number of customers at the end of a specific period
CN= Number of new customers acquired within this period
CS= Number of customers at the start of the period

Customer retention refers to the capability of a company or its products/services to bring customers back after a specific time. So, the more unique active users who continue transactions with you after a period, the better for you.

Essentially, customer retention rate refers to the percentage of customers who remain with you over time. If customers return to a store for repeat purchases after a certain time, it indicates that the company is retaining the customer well.

In the majority of cases, the first click on a mobile app comes because of curiosity – be it a recommendation or social post that generated curiosity in users. It leads them to download the app and use it once. But when they are not turning up again, it indicates that the app cannot retain users well. So, app retention strategies are essential to have a successful business with a certain number of repeat purchases.

Marketing-wise, the higher your customer retention rate, the better.

Experts believe that with time customer retention decreases – check the table below to understand it:

Device  Day 1 Day 3 Day 7  Day 14 Day 30
Android  23.01% 10.8% 6.66% 4.33% 2.59%
iOS 25.65% 13.56% 9.19% 6.41% 4.13%

However, it does not mean that you can not hold your customer in any way – with the use of clever retention strategies, you can keep your customers glued to your mobile app. You simply need to turn users’ occasional app visits into a daily habit. In other words, you need to bring a stickiness on your app to convert daily active users into monthly active users. If you can successfully create a value-generating stickiness, you can retain them.

The Entry Of Mobile Apps For Higher Customer Retention

Now, it is proven that retention is important, but the concern is how to increase app retention.

Well, your product quality/service is, no wonder, the key element to bring customers back to your store. But, to make sure that the customers make another purchase on coming back, you need to provide them with a pleasant experience. And mobile apps assist exactly there.

How Do Mobile Apps Pace Up User Retention?

Mobile apps have the potential to engage your customers with

  • Easy and fast operations
  • Appealing UX and UI
  • Over-the-top features
  • Sufficient access to the device
  • Premium integrations

As a result, all these mobile apps successfully increase user engagement and improve future user retention.

In the following section, find out 7 user retention strategies that will definitely work on your mobile app.

Check out: Benefits of Shopify Mobile Apps – See What Your Business is Missing Out Without an App

7 Ways To Boost Your App Retention Strategies And Keep Your Customers Glued

Want a higher customer retention rate on your mobile app? These 7 strategies will never disappoint you:

7 Elements of Mobile Apps That Can Help in Customer Retention Strategy

1. Cleverly Use Mobile App Aesthetics

The First Impression is Ever-Lasting – this dictum is true to mobile apps too. The main reason behind higher sales and higher customer retention on mobile apps is their aesthetics. It takes user experiences to such a high degree that it convinces customers to purchase. Right from the time of installation of the app, mobile app UX and UI can make an appeal to the users.

Mobile app aesthetics include:

  1. Onboarding process (the shorter, the better)
  2. Theme and color schemes
  3. Variety of blocks on the homepage
  4. Browsing speed and much more

So, to make your app retention strategies more effective, do not forget to use app UX/UI to dazzle your customers.

Amazing fact: Design and layouts alone can raise customer retention by 400%

2. Aim For Simpler App Usage To Retain Customers

If the buying platform comes with complications, users are prone to drop using that. Mobile apps fix this problem with their convenient usage and impress buyers.

Apps ensure that buyers get the simplest and fastest access throughout their users’ journey. Also, apps help users to get what they are looking for conveniently with the following features:

  1. Image search
  2. Voice search
  3. Augmented reality
  4. Virtual reality
  5. Numerous product filters
  6. Different sorting options
  7. Push notifications etc.

As a result, mobile apps enhance customers’ online shopping experience and increase retention rates.

Push notification alone can bring 820% higher customer retention

3. Strategize The Rewards For Revisits And Repurchases

No matter which industry or product you are dealing with – let’s admit that the “Free factor” has the capability of user acquisition. With mobile apps, you can not only revamp your offers but also change how you reach your buyers.

Did you know that 69% of customers choose brands based on the reward points they offer? 

You can add graphics to make your offers more appealing and urge for a click. Also, you can reach them with regular/scheduled push notifications so that users can engage with your app more. As a result, a user spends more time on the app. Not just that, on finding related products, more transactions are also expected from them.

So, if you are struggling with a low customer retention rate, you can fix it with a mobile app.

4. Stay Relevant With On-Time App Updates

Staying relevant with the times makes a mobile app more engaging, and engagement brings user retention. Updating your mobile app after a certain interval can help you to stay trendy with the users and keep them connected.

Updating the app is also needed to remove obsolete features and bring on what is on demand. It will help you to refrain from boring the users, especially the young ones. Work on loading speed, so buyers don’t need to wait for results.

You may be interested in the Most important mobile App KPIs to track your App’s Performance on Shopify

5. Offer Timely Support And Hold Your Buyers On The App

If you are looking for a high retention rate on your mobile app, then you need to improve your app engagement strategies. This is why timely support is an essential part of app retention strategies.

According to 80% of consumers, good service and quality products are the reasons behind their repeat purchases. 

On mobile apps, you get:

  1. Chat support
  2. Search auto-completion
  3. Related searches
  4. Recommended products

The users drop using any online store due to the lack of service, and the app fills the gaps to keep the customers stuck. 68% of consumers are willing to pay more to the brands that offer good customer service – How cool is that?

Additionally, on-time support can increase your session length and retain users by interacting with them. So, don’t rethink using the features of mobile apps to the fullest to retain more users.

Check out: A Complete Guide To Turn Your Shopify Store Into A Mobile App

6. Add A Personalized Touch For Making More Appeal

Personalization is another essential part of mobile app retention strategies. Today buyers revisit an app on finding personalized features.

Right now, mobile apps are well-equipped to cater to this need and include features like

  1. Personalized notifications
  2. Personalized onboarding
  3. Exclusive offers based on past actions
  4. Location-based service etc

Apps cleverly analyze the past activities and access features of the smartphone of the buyers. These make customers feel very special. As a result, they are eager to tap on the new notification, which often leads to a purchase.

Did you know?
Personalization alone is responsible for making 65% of customer retention!

7. Plan And Execute Reengaging Activities To Get Further Clicks

Finally, add some reengaging activities to make top-notch app retention strategies. Remember, you have to reach your buyers, communicate with them, and tell them your latest offerings to convince them to repurchase.

It is a cyclical process – sometimes, your mail may be straightaway thrown into the trash. Also, customers may swipe away your notifications even after being relevant. But keep trying to get clicks, purchases, and future recommendations!

To improve your app retention strategy, you can

  1. Create FOMO with attractive and urgent offers
  2. Use features like “Sale ends in” timer and product left counts
  3. Notify your buyers to rate their experience on the app
  4. Ask them to write a review their purchase in detail
  5. Convince them to refer and get a discount for the next purchase
  6. Offer free samples with a countdown timer
  7. Reach them with direct messages and emails

In short, mobile apps assist you in maximizing your interaction with your customers, which is a direct help in your customer retention strategy.

Read the Success Story of AmorEarth after using the MageNative Shopify Mobile App

More Perks Of Using Mobile Apps For Higher Customer Retention

Apart from these tips, mobile apps have a lot more to offer to boost your customer retention strategies, like

  • Gamification
  • Social interactions
  • App analytics

What Else Can You Do To Boost User Retention Strategies On Your Mobile app?

1. Content Marketing

Prepare helpful content for a video and share it on your social media pages to pull traffic. Similarly, blogs, catchy one-liners in the form of images/GIFs, reels, etc., can help you achieve high customer retention.

2. Social Media Marketing

Along with content marketing, you can use social media for paid marketing. Your ads on social media have higher chances of getting views and clicks.

Check out: How Are Shopify Mobile Apps Transforming The eCommerce Landscape?

3. Email Marketing

This method helps you to reach your audience directly through emails. In these emails, you can tell them your latest updates, offers, and CTAs in a crisp way that can convince your buyers to revisit your app to purchase something.

4. Referral Marketing

It is a smart tool to bring customers back with the temptation of points or coupons to customers when they visit your app. However, there will be a condition for them to refer your app to others with a code. Only if someone joins with that referral code your customer will win the point or voucher.

Why Is Customer Retention Important For A Business?

Customers are the most tangible asset for any business. The moment a business starts gaining repeat customers – it begins its journey toward instant scalability and long-term growth. You can work on bettering these over a period of time. The gluey elements that retain customers can be product quality, marketing strategy, support, aesthetics, etc.

Key Factors Behind Customer Retention in Online Business

Low customer retention, on the other hand, indicates that your product/service or marketing strategy needs improvements. Basically, you need to do more research and go through several trials to increase your customer retention.

Retention in business is of paramount importance. The strategies to achieve a higher user retention rate may vary. However, mobile apps will always be helpful in achieving higher user retention.

The probability of selling products to existing customers is 60-70% on average

Improvise Your Customer Retention Strategies With Mobile App

In a nutshell, you can increase user retention to 2x to 3x only by using the features of your mobile apps to the fullest. So, never underestimate mobile apps while setting user retention strategies.

The premium experience of mobile apps will slowly but surely hold the users longer and lead them towards purchase and repurchase. So, apps can be the key to success by bringing higher retention for your business.

Build Robust And Fascinating Shopify Mobile App With MageNative!


1. How To Retain Customers In 2024?

Retaining customers in 2024 requires a focus on mobile app strategies, personalized experiences, timely support, and engaging rewards to keep them coming back for more.

2. How Can I Improve My Mobile App Retention?

To improve mobile app retention, consider enhancing aesthetics, simplifying usage, offering rewards, providing timely updates and support, adding personalization, and planning reengaging activities.

3. How Do You Implement Customer Retention Strategies?

Implement customer retention strategies by analyzing user data, optimizing app design, offering incentives, providing excellent customer support, and staying up-to-date with industry trends.

4. What Are The Best Customer Retention Strategies?

The best customer retention strategies include creating a user-friendly app, offering rewards and incentives, providing excellent customer support, personalizing experiences, and engaging users with timely updates and activities.

5. Why Is Customer Retention Important In 2024?

Customer retention is crucial in 2024 because it drives profits and growth. It’s more cost-effective to retain existing customers than acquire new ones, making it essential for businesses to focus on keeping their customer base intact.

6. What Are The New Customer Trends In 2024?

New customer trends in 2024 include a preference for personalized experiences, mobile app usage, an emphasis on convenience, and an expectation of excellent customer support.

7. How Do I Retain Mobile App Users?

Retain mobile app users by providing a seamless user experience, offering rewards and incentives, personalizing content, keeping the app updated, and engaging users through reengaging activities.

8. What Is A Good Retention Rate For Mobile Apps?

A good retention rate for mobile apps varies by industry but generally aims for a high percentage of users returning regularly. A common benchmark is to aim for a 20% retention rate or higher.

9. What Is Mobile App Retention?

Mobile app retention refers to the ability to keep users engaged and returning to your app over time. It measures the percentage of users who continue to use your app after an initial download or visit.

About MageNative

MageNative is a leading app-building platform that facilitates app creation for business owners regardless of their knowledge of the technical nuances involved. At MageNative, we convert ideas into scalable mobile apps instantly and conveniently.

About The Author

I love navigating the world of SaaS with finesse. As an SEO enthusiast and seasoned Copy Writer, I'm here to transform tech-speak into compelling narratives that resonate with online merchants. With a penchant for alliteration and a touch of humor, I bring a unique flair to SaaS content.

One Comment

  1. KristinHow December 6, 2023 at 2:39 am - Reply

    Thanks, An abundance of facts!

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