RA Boutique

How MageNative Helped RA Boutique Simplify Their Purchase Process

Streamlined The Purchase Process With Captivating App Features.

Increased 30% Of Their Turnover From the Mobile app.

RA Boutique
RA Boutique




Your business growth and performance will greatly rely on the user experience you offer to your users. As the majority of online traffic comes from mobile devices, it is imperative to deliver an outstanding mobile shopping experience to users. RA Boutique a leading eCommerce apparel store from Italy, sensed the significance of mobile applications in the past couple of years, and began their hunt for a robust & fascinating mobile app for their Shopify store. After a long process of market research and trial, RA Boutique found in MageNative the ideal solution for their eCommerce fashion store. After making MageNative apps a part of their business strategy the venture is thriving. A successful mobile app is one that is capable of taking a business to the next level. MageNative Mobile App helped RA Boutique with one. Let's uncover the journey.

About RA Boutique

RA Boutique is a leading eCommerce apparel store based in Italy with a well-established reputation and a strong presence on social media. The venture came to TikTok for an exciting campaign through brand new Shopify integrationto diversify its revenue stream and reach a wider audience base.
About RA Boutique
RA Boutique integration with Shopify enables online sellers to create and run video ads on TikTok without leaving their Shopify dashboard. Online retailers can build, manage and track the performance of their TikTok campaigns that have the potential to reach TikTok's community of 100 million across Europe. For RA Boutique, this implied that, through a blend of two campaigns, they could monitor and reach a large & new audience base without reaching Shopify.
Why RA Boutique

Why Is There A Need For A Mobile App For A Fashion Store?

Think about your potential customers. One thing certain about a majority of online buyers is that they all use smartphones. Probably more than you imagine. The average adult in the United States spends 3.25 hours a day on different mobile apps. Which is much more compared to the web where users generally spend 51 minutes in a day. Moreover, it is observed that more than 80% of mobile time is spent on mobile applications.
These stats clearly show that the majority of potential customers are floating on mobile phones and surfing mobile apps. If you want to reach them efficiently you need to captivate them with a fast & robust mobile application. No matter how efficient, responsive, and great your site might be. But if your competitor offers them a quick and efficient mobile app, your users won't think for a minute about switching your site with the competitor's app. The prediction for the future is obvious. The mobile market is proliferating and mobile applications will play a crucial role in almost every sector. Moreover in another research, it was found that time spent on mobile apps increases by 69% every year. Huge trends should not be ignored.

Challenge: Converting Shopify Store Into Mobile App

A few years back, the founder of RA Boutique Rosa, a successful entrepreneur, started to look for ways to create a mobile app for their Shopify store to reach an expanded customer base. After a decent time spent comparing mobile app builders in the Shopify app store, Rosa made the decision to go with MageNative.
In a short period of time, RA Boutique launched the first version of their Native mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms. Since then, MageNative has launched updated versions for the Shopify brand to improve the mobile shopping experience.
Challenge RA Boutique

The Mission Behind RA Boutique App

A couple of years back, having a fashion mobile application was ahead of innovation and competition. Now innovation has an entirely different meaning. It begins to be about not being left behind. The mission behind RA Boutique App is to simplify the purchase process and enhance the user experience by delivering unique features.

What Makes them Pick MageNative?

After performing thorough market research and analyzing different firms, RA Boutique found MageNative the most cost-efficient firm with lots of useful features that would help our fashion store turn out to be an outstanding tool for online fashion seekers.
"Nothing, excellent results, I would just like to be able to insert the banners on the homepage square instead of rectangular and modify them to my liking"

Owner RA Boutique

Results Experienced After Choosing MageNative Shopify Mobile App

From the day the business set up their mobile app, they saw increased app installs thanks to the great app design and loyal user base. At the end of the first month, the app became one of the leading fashion apps. Let's talk about some crazy numbers here! After communicating with RA Boutique we came to know that
  • 30% of turnover comes from the mobile app
  • They generate about 2 million euros of turnover from which 600 thousand comes from the mobile app.
  • 56% of the customers who downloaded the app are regular customers who buy every 1/2 months always.
The above stats reveal that MageNative not only provides a mobile app that is appealing but also result-oriented, which helped them increase their figures in terms of loyal customers and revenue.

What Were the Most Promising features of the MageNative App?

MageNative has lots of features to offer that help in the growth and overall success of eCommerce, here are some of the top features that help RA Boutique to simplify its buyers’ journey.

Unpaid Wishlist

A wish list enables buyers to create a personalized product collection they want to purchase and can save this collection in their accounts for future purchases. Wishlists signify a buyer's interest in a product without an immediate intent to buy. This way buyers can save the product of their interest for the future which consequently, helps make their purchase decision easier and increase sales.

AI-Driven Products Recommendation

With the consistent growth and development of AI usage for eCommerce recommendations have become a vital part of the eCommerce industry. AI-Driven product recommendation is an efficient way of simplifying buyers’ purchase process by giving them swift and to-the-point product recommendations tailored to each buyer’s preferences & needs.

Quick One-Click Shopping Cart

One-click shopping cart gives shoppers a quick and convenient way to purchase products. It aims to reduce friction and shorten the purchase path by reducing the number of clicks and form fields required to make an online purchase.

Fast Loading Speed

App’s loading speed is the first and most important factor you put on your potential customers. A fast loading speed ensures the trustworthiness of your business and encourages your customers to spend more time on your mobile app. So with the help of MageNative’s brazenly fast mobile app. RA Boutique is able to retain its customers and deliver an outstanding shopping experience.

Are You Looking For A Similar Fascinating App Contributing To Your Business Growth? MageNative can help.

If you already have an online store and want to expand your eCommerce business with a robust and fascinating mobile app, then MageNative is the perfect choice for you. It offers an enchanting mobile application with lots of useful features including.
  • Augmented reality
  • AI-Driven Product Recommendation
  • Social Login
  • Cart Abandonment Campaign
  • Personalized Push Notifications
  • Multi-Currency
  • Multi-Language and RTL Support
  • Product Share and lots more.
MageNative offers mobile applications with cutting-edge and power-packed features for an outstanding user experience. That’s what works in the favor of online fashion retailers like RA Boutique aiding them to sell products seamlessly and streamline the purchase process. MageNative offers the best shot at a scaling business. At MageNative you will find the most efficient and user-friendly solution for all your M-commerce requirements.
Get Started With A 30 Days Free App Trial.

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