The time of black cats, carved pumpkins, witches, spooky decors, black costumes, etc. is approaching! Yes, you got it right! Halloween 2023 – the spookiest season of the year is barely 2 months away. So, let’s explore some Halloween marketing ideas for better business results.

Did you know that Halloween is not a mere holiday right now, it is a time of sales growth ($6.8 billion growth in 15 years only in the US)? A major part of these sales was a result of spook-tacular business marketing for Halloween.

So, are you ready to embrace a wave of conversions? If yes, get some unfailing marketing campaign ideas to boost your Halloween sales on your Shopify mobile apps.

Halloween Date 2023 – Tuesday, October 31, 2023 

When Did Halloween Marketing Start?

Halloween is often believed to be the fourth most popular holiday (after Christmas-new year, Thanksgiving, and Easter). So it’s quite natural for the customers to go wild when it comes to shopping.

So, retailers have lately paid attention to the Halloween season to some extent along with Thanksgiving and other holiday festive seasons.

Retailers used to Halloween-ify their products, clear their fall collection in low amounts to grab buyers’ attention, and have a frighteningly extensive sales during Halloween.

Halloween used to be celebrated mostly as a holiday with some small purchases, but it was the advertisements that brought Halloween into the limelight. There is now no looking back – Halloween spirit is now sky high after 2000.

halloween stats

Source: Statista

Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, followed by a worldwide lockdown impacted its popularity a little bit, but 2021 mend the gap with a record-breaking sales figure of $12.1 billion.

Do you know what is even more fascinating?

It was the sales of the US only and it had literally smashed all the forecasts.


Halloween Marketing- Why Does It Matter?

Indeed, Halloween is a profitable season, but do you know what is the best part of it?

Halloween also offers you the chance to be appealing and reliable to your buyers. Hence, the better you market your app during the Halloween season, the more sales you will get during the cyber week (during BFCM).

See the image below to understand the growth of participation in Halloween in 2021 after the covid year.

Participation in Halloween throughout the last 5 years

Source: NRF


Horrifyingly Positive Halloween 2022 Statistics

Still, thinking about why Halloween marketing in 2022 matters? The statistics are self-explanatory though!

Average spending on Halloween (US) $102.74
Yearly growth on average spending 4.5%
Age group that spent the most on Halloween 35-44 (amount spent = $149.34)
Age group that spent the least on Halloween 65+ (amount spent = $57.07)
Number of participants (US) who planned to participate in Halloween activities 148 million
Percentage of Americans participating in Halloween sales 65%
Most loved/purchased items Candy, home decor, costume
Percentage of people planning to visit a haunted house 18%
Costliest item sold Costume
Price of costliest item $33.59
Least purchased item cards
Cost of least purchased item $6.64
Percentage of consumers planning visit a discount store 60%
Percentage of customers who search products online 36%
Increase in online store visit (post covid) 29%
Top sources to get Halloween products Online search (36%)

Brick and mortar store (26%)

Social media (20%)

YouTube (19%)

Word of Mouth – friends (19%)

Source: NRF


Brands that Tweaked Halloween Marketing and Secured Wickedly Outstanding Results in 2022

Companies that have updated their marketing strategies for Halloween have not only secured good numbers, but also made the holiday season more successful.

Here are the companies you can take inspiration for your Halloween marketing ideas:

  • Amazon
  • Fanta
  • Heinz
  • Olay
  • Overstock
  • Lush cosmetics
  • Target
  • Wayfair
  • Walmart
  • Hana Anderson
  • ASDA

fanta halloween marketing idea - special edition pack


10 Deadly Halloween Marketing Ideas- Quick Hacks For  Fabulous Online Sales

Enough of storytelling – let’s dive right into what matters the most now – here, explore some unfailing tips to level-up your Halloween marketing strategy:

But before you start implementing these Halloween marketing ideas for your online store and app

  • Plan prior and set your goals and objectives forholiday marketing ideas
  • Arrange extra resources if required
  • Set a budget
  • Analyze the competitors
  • Sort the products

1. Be Spook-tacularly Spectacular

halloween markrting idea - ux
The most important part of Halloween holiday marketing is to revamp the decor of the mobile apps. So, yes, you have to update your app UX/UI temporarily with Halloween themes.

Your storefront, CTA, as well as the push notifications you send to your buyers, must have the Halloween effect. It will help you to get their attention easily.

Here are some ideas to tweak the appearance of your Shopify mobile app on Halloween 2023:

Spooky Colors you should consider on your mobile app this Halloween  Ghoulish elements to enhance the appeal of your app on this Halloween 
1. Mash Black

2. Dark red

3. Scarlet red

4. Fiery orange

5. Vibrant yellow

6. Purple

7. Dark blue

8. Turquoise

1. Carved pumpkin

2. Witch hat

3. Witch on a broom

4. Black cat

5. A castle in a dark background

6. Cloud and thunder

7. Bats

8. Spider and web

9. Ghost

10. Tombstone – graveyard

11. Cross

12. Mummy or skull or skeleton/bones etc

Right after you complete revamping the mobile apps with a Halloween holiday theme, unveil some previews of its new appearance on social media.

Along with redecorating your mobile app, you need to redesign your website as well.


2. Prep Up Your Store With Some Halloweenized Tinge

During Halloween, buyers come with specific product needs, therefore, you have to understand the swarms of your target market to make your listing page relevant to them.

For this, you need to enrich your store with some special edition Halloween-themed products. For instance, you can add:

  1. Halloween theme T-shirt for your target audiences
  2. Costumes for Halloween special fancy dress competitions (kids)
  3. Dress and accessories for Halloween parties for adults
  4. Items for home decoration
  5. Soft copies or DVDs for Halloween special movies
  6. Spooky music collections, etc.

Also, discounts on Halloween-themed products can be a good option to scale up your sales in 2022.

most sold item on halloween

Source: NRF

Clearing the fall collection during Halloween can also be a smart idea- but it does not necessarily work for everyone. So, you can try selling your fall merchandise with special discounts.

Check how Heinz revamped their package for Halloween:

heinz halloween marketing
Source: Food and Wine


3. Be Wickedly Creative With Your Promotion And Ads

For Halloween, add spooky effects on your ads, emails, and newsletters as well. It will increase the email opening rate.

Further, you can add Halloween themes, banners, and fonts on these copies to ensure that your users take an action by visiting your app. You can get further Halloween email marketing ideas on YouTube which you can use to boost sales.

Also, create a number of Halloween-oriented one-liners prior to Halloween to use these for your ads.

Also, check out: Benefits of Shopify Mobile Apps – See What Your Business is Missing Out Without an App

4. Frighten Your Competitors Away With Amazing Deals To Win Traffic

Source: Review Got

Now, adding Halloween special designs only is not going to help you in gaining your conversions. Indeed, a catchy UX and UI can bring traffic to the app, but if your app does not have the gluey element, you may not get satisfactory conversions.

Some fiercely frightening deals can be your gluey element on Halloween 2023. So, go ahead and announce some spine-chilling deals.

Analyze the trending products, best-selling products, and most searched products prior to Halloween so that you can announce some more exciting special offers on it.

Also, you can add extra discounts for a $1000 purchase or bulk purchase to bring more traffic and more conversions on your Shopify app.


You can try cross-selling and upselling as soon as your users add some products to their carts. So, keep more relevant products in your store. 

5. Treat Your Buyers With Spooky Giveaways

Source: Novelty Maker

Halloween is a season of celebrations and gifts. So, announce a giveaway on each purchase to make your buyers feel special.

Here are a few options you can try:

  • Minimum purchase gifts
  • $1000 spend gifts
  • Referral gifts
  • Repurchase gifts
  • Gift cards on a higher amount of purchases
  • Daily surprise gifts
  • Gift on product share

You can offer simple gifts; yet, you can add the Halloween tinge on it to make it even more special.

Offering gifts will definitely help you to gain conversions; however, you have to showcase these gifts on your home page as well as on your emails, social media creatives, and notifications. It will secretly create an urge among the buyers to visit your app and explore what they can win.

Also, read 9 Effective Tips For Successful Mobile App Branding

6. Host Some Spine-Chilling Contests

contest for halloween

Source: The Bash

On social media as well as on your app, you can share a link of a contest. Use user-generated content on these contests to bring more users.

Are you finding some contest ideas for 2023 Halloween marketing:

  • Horror movie quiz
  • Halloween makeup contest
  • Guess the killer game
  • Halloween themes puzzle solving
  • Find the difference game (timed)
  • Post a picture with Halloween-themed products
  • Pumpkin carving video contest

Reveal the gifts while announcing the contest so that more people take part in these games. You can create a poll to understand which contest users want.

7. Use Affiliate And Influencer Marketing

Are you looking to double your Halloween sales in 2023? So, hurry up and take help of affiliate marketing and influencer marketing.

Find third-party publishers who can help you in growing your business. Indeed, you have to invest in it for the time being – but if you get qualified affiliate marketers, they will make the amount even bigger after a certain time.

Furthermore, for influencer marketing, begin with searching for the most followed influencers for your potential audience. Influencers can take your business to a new level by promoting your products to a huge audience.

Your products will also get excellent hype if you wisely invest in affiliate marketing and influencer marketing.

8. App Store Optimization (ASO)

halloween aso
App store optimization is sometimes much ignored when it comes to Halloween marketing; however, the fact is planning for ASO can increase your app installs.

So, don’t forget to add the Halloween themes and your offers/discounts on the app store to create an interest among your potential customers.

Here are some tips for app store optimization:

  1. Add a Halloween effect on the app icon
  2. Use festive (Halloween-related) keywords and hashtags
  3. Showcase Halloween-related special offers on a few images with alt tags
  4. Update the preview video with some Halloween effects
  5. Place a few Halloween edition products as screenshots
  6. Show the positive reviews

9. Hallownize Contents And Video

Halloween blog ideas
Source: Super busy mum

So, app UX/UI, AppStore, emails, and ad copies are now Halloweenized. Moreover, you can add a few one-liners on your mobile app. Also, for a more spooky effect on these, use disappearing content to fascinate buyers.

If you maintain a website, write Halloween-oriented blogs according to your niche. Also, make sure that these blogs are capable of promoting your products or your offers. Sometimes, blogs are not enough to hold the users, so you can opt for some short videos/reels that share Halloween special tips or promote your products/offers.

Also, encourage your buyers to post unboxing videos of your products and review your products. As a result, you will get more traffic and conversions on your Shopify mobile app.

Also, go through 25 KPIs That Measure Performance, Success, And Growth Of Shopify Mobile Apps

10. Go Social with Halloween Hashtags


Source: Media Update

Engage in active social media marketing and make sure you get a handful of hashtags. Also, on each post on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. write a wickedly creative caption and use lots of hashtags to make your posts more visible.

Along with social media captions, use these Halloween hashtags on all your social ads. Also, Halloween elements are a must-have for social creatives which can tempt your buyers to share your product with their friends

Don’t forget to post your deals and contests on social media. Also, join social media communities and add a link to your app/offer to scale up your traffic.

Have a look at Dior’s social marketing
dior halloween ad
Source: Twitter


Offline Activities You Can Consider


  • A Halloween-themed party
  • Pumpkin carving contest
  • Trick-or-treat event (Participate or host)
  • Posters
  • Offline ads


What Is The Right Time To Start Halloween Marketing?

Now, you have online and offline Halloween marketing ideas, but now, the question is when should you apply this?

Hit the iron when it is hot and on the right spot – get a concrete plan of what to do and when:

Days remaining to Halloween  Action 
1-2 months Plan
Analyze the competitors and list your goals and objectives
1 month/28 days Write a blog
25-28 days Start drafting the UX and UI
20-25 days Start making a video
Draft the mail, newsletters, and ad copies
15-20 days Engage in active marketing on social media (Halloween oriented with creatives) and on app store

Give a hint that exciting offers are on their way

12-15 days Review the video and other contents

Check if modifications are needed

Send mails and newsletters

Keep posting on social media

Collab with influencers

10-12 days Announce the offers on your app, social media, website, and in offline platforms
5-10 days Begin implementing the updated UX/UI

Publish the video

Makeover your ads

3-5 days Send stronger and more appealing emails and push notifications
0-2 days Create FOMO (only a few left, sale ends in, your product is on so many other carts, selling fast, don’t miss out, etc. notifications)

Give your business a Halloween makeover with an exciting mobile app!

Get Started For Free

Ignoring Halloween Marketing? See What You Are Missing Out On!

Are you still not convinced to invest in 2023 Halloween marketing? You hardly have an idea of what you miss out for not doing Halloween marketing!

So, recreate your Halloween marketing strategy and get better results, or else you will

  • Remain unnoticed
  • Get less traffic
  • Have poor sales

Also, read Top 8 Ways A Mobile App Can Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment


Jam With The Halloween Spirit And Get Wickedly Stunning Results on Shopify app

In short, if you update your marketing strategies for Halloween 2023, you can embrace better and more significant numbers. Therefore, you have to live in the Halloween spirit for a few weeks, and encourage buyers all over the world to take part in Halloween for a scalable business.

Active marketing can help you to encourage these buyers for online shopping during this Halloween season which will result in a high online sales this year.

Retail mobile apps that use Halloween marketing have secured outstanding results in the last few years. Therefore having mobile apps can be a booster for Halloween marketing.

If you do not have a mobile app yet, not to worry – you can now turn your Shopify store into a mobile app and secure awesome results.

Are you not using a mobile app? Planning to get one soon? Let MageNative help you with it and get ready for Halloween 2023.  

Explore MageNative on Shopify


What Are Good Ways To Sell More On Halloween?

Certainly, here are some concise ways to sell more on Halloween:

  • Offer Halloween-themed products or services.
  • Run special promotions and discounts.
  • Create a spooky in-store or online atmosphere.
  • Host Halloween events or contests.
  • Use social media for engaging content.
  • Send Halloween-themed email marketing.
  • Explore collaborations and cross-promotions.

What Products Are Best To Sell On Halloween?

Here’s a concise list of the best products to sell on Halloween:

  • Costumes.
  • Decorations.
  • Candy and Treats.
  • Party Supplies.
  • Pumpkins and Carving Kits.
  • Makeup and Face Paint.
  • Themed Home Décor.
  • Props and Accessories.
  • Haunted House Experiences (if applicable).
  • DIY Craft Kits.
  • Themed Food and Beverages.
  • Movie and Game Night Kits.

Why Do We Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween has evolved from ancient Celtic traditions and is now celebrated for fun and entertainment. It’s a time for dressing up in costumes, indulging in treats, and enjoying spooky-themed festivities.

How Can I Increase Sales On Halloween Using a Mobile App

To increase Halloween sales via your mobile app:

  • Design the app with a Halloween theme.
  • Create a special Halloween section.
  • Offer exclusive app-only Halloween deals.
  • Use push notifications for promotions.
  • Organize in-app contests and giveaways.
  • Incorporate augmented reality (AR) features.
  • Curate Halloween product collections.
  • Personalize product recommendations.
  • Encourage user-generated content.
  • Ensure easy mobile payments.
  • Integrate social media sharing.
  • Implement a Halloween-themed loyalty program.
  • Provide responsive customer support.
  • Optimize your app store listing for Halloween.
  • Encourage positive reviews and ratings.

About MageNative

MageNative is a leading app building platform that facilitates app creation for business owners regardless of their knowledge of technical nuances involved. At MageNative, we convert ideas into scalable mobile apps instantly and most conveniently.

About The Author

I love navigating the world of SaaS with finesse. As an SEO enthusiast and seasoned Copy Writer, I'm here to transform tech-speak into compelling narratives that resonate with online merchants. With a penchant for alliteration and a touch of humor, I bring a unique flair to SaaS content.


  1. 20bet September 21, 2023 at 9:01 am - Reply

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    • Mohd Zia September 21, 2023 at 9:09 am - Reply

      Hi 20bet
      Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to read my article. I’m delighted to hear that it inspired you! I’d be more than happy to provide a more detailed explanation and address any doubts you have. Please feel free to share your specific questions or concerns at, and I’ll do my best to clarify my point of view and provide you with the information you need. Your feedback and engagement are greatly appreciated!

  2. nimabi December 5, 2023 at 6:31 pm - Reply

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    • Mohd Zia December 6, 2023 at 5:30 am - Reply

      Hi nimabi
      You’re very welcome! I’m delighted to hear that you found the article helpful and cool. If you have any more questions or if there’s anything specific you’d like to learn more about, feel free to let me know. Happy reading and learning!

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